SMB Deal Hunter
From a $30M Entrepreneur and Investor:

Master the Art of Buying Cash-Flowing Businesses

Twice a week, I share free breakdowns of the top 5 SMB deals to hit the market. Join 90,000+ entrepreneurs and investors from Enduring Ventures, Permanent Capital, Harvard Business School, and more!

P.S. -- Sign up to get instant access to my free email course: "Learn How To Buy A Cash-Flowing Business In 5 Days"

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“SMB Deal Hunter is a must-read for anyone looking to acquire or invest in small businesses.”

Andrew GazdeckiFounder & CEO of

“One of the few newsletters I read”

Alex LiebermanCo-Founder of Morning Brew

“I love seeing the deals that Helen finds!”

Michael GirdleyChairman of Girdley Enterprises (100M+ annual revenue HoldCo) | Host of Acquisitions Anonymous Podcast